The first waterproof short-wave heater with elegant glass-ceramic cover SCHOTT NEXTREMA® for instant heat in all outdoor areas.
The infrared heaters are available with 1500, 1800, 2000, 2200 and 3000 watts and can – with the exception of models with 2200 watts – also be installed as recessed ceiling devices with a frame. The units are optionally equipped with an ON / OFF switch * or an integrated dimmer with remote control and have mounting brackets for wall and ceiling mounting*.
*2200 watt heaters wall mounting only

Powerful instant heat with 3000 watts for wall mounting or ceiling installation in all outdoor areas.
Powerful instant heat with 1500, 1800, and 2200 watts for wall mounting or ceiling installation* in all outdoor areas.
* 2200 watt models wall mounting only.
Short version of the RELAX GLASS with short-wave IRA or medium-wave IRB CARBON suitable for small areas and bathrooms. Medium wave radiators have softer red light and give off heat to the circulating air.